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Use the four simplification strategies below to reduce cognitive problems.

Do One Thing at a Time (Avoid Multi-Tasking) 

You may experience fog when you try to do more than one thing at a time, such as reading while watching TV or talking on the phone while fixing dinner. The solution: instead of multi-tasking, do only one thing at a time. 

To stay on-task, teach family members to wait by saying things like “I’m [fixing dinner, talking on the phone, etc.] right now, but I’ll help you as soon as I’m done.”
Avoid Over-Stimulation
If you are sensitive to noise, to light or to sensory input coming from more than one source at the same time, limit sensory input. For example, turn off the TV while talking. Find a quiet place to read or do other tasks that require concentration.
Use Lists and Other Reminders
Write out your tasks for the day on a To Do list. Use Post-It notes in prominent places to jog your memory. Use the calendar or the alarm on your watch or computer to keep track of appointments and tell you when to do things (or to set limits and remind you to stop).

Organize your house and possessions so that they give you built-in reminders. For example, keep your medicines where you dress, so you will see them and remember to take them when getting up in the morning and getting ready for bed at night.
Organize and De-Clutter 

If you find your physical environment overwhelming, organize your house and remove clutter. For how-to ideas, see the success story Illness and Housekeeping.