Success Stories
Acceptance, Discipline & Hope: A Story of Recovery from CFIDS
Nine years after the onset of my illness, I consider myself "substantially recovered," which means that I no longer dread relapses and that I have returned to a full and fulfilling life. I hope that my experience may help other PWCs to find their own paths to recovery.
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Activity Adjustments for Lower Symptoms and Higher Productivity
People in the self-help program report lower symptoms and greater productivity by changing how they are active: using short activity periods, spreading activity over longer periods of time and switching among tasks of varying difficulty.
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Adapting to Fibromyalgia
By focusing on the many practical things she could do to feel better, fibromyalgia patient Jana Murrell-Maxfield made a successful adaptation to long-term illness.
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Adjusting to Food Allergies and Sensitivities
The few mild digestive problems I had before CFS were magnified when I became ill, but over time I have improved my digestion and this has had a big effect on the rest of my symptoms.
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Assertiveness: A Tool for Reducing Symptoms
How one person learned to use assertiveness to balance socializing with honoring her limits.
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CFS, FM and Dating: A Personal Story
How one person found love while bed-/couch-bound.
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Climbing Back from Severe CFS
How Pris Campbell emerged from the deep hole of severe CFS and also found a new identity as a writer.
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Combining Exercise and Rest
I expanded how far I could walk greatly after I began to integrate rest periods into my exercise.
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Coming to Terms with a Life I Did Not Plan
Normally, the thought of overcoming obstacles is not abhorrent to me. In fact, I usually enjoy it. But with CFIDS, I found myself with something I could not "work" around. I couldn't pretend CFIDS wasn't there. I couldn't even work harder to overcome it.
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Consistency: A Key to Pacing Success
In my mind, consistency is both a major challenge and the key to success in pacing. Of the strategies I investigated, I found six especially useful and crucial to my recovery.
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